Water Baptism is a celebration!

It is your decision to follow Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. It is an outward expression of an inward commitment to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe the decision to be baptized is up to the individual and that he or she must fully understand what it means to be a Christ follower:

  • Believers are those who have realized that their sins have separated them from God.

  • They have concluded that Jesus Christ’s death on the cross for their sins is the only thing that can bridge the gap between them and God.

  • A believer is someone who has decided to trust Christ alone for his or her salvation.

As your church, we’re so excited that you are interested in baptism! We’d love to help you experience baptism and publicly declare that you have made the decision to surrender your life to Christ.

Biblical Counseling at Church of the Highlands, San Bruno California


  • Step 1: Sign up.
    Fill out the form with your Name, Email, Phone Number and our Baptism Coordinator will reach out to you.

  • Step 2: Select a date.
    Our Baptism Coordinator will reach out to you with available dates.

  • Step 3: Get prepared.
    A Pastor will walk with you and guide you as you prepare to share your story.

  • Step 4: Get Baptized!
    We will all celebrate together as you take this next step in your faith.



We understand that you may have some questions, but we don’t think those should keep you from looking into baptism and eventually taking that step. If you’d like to know more about what baptism is, how we baptize, and what’s involved in sharing your story, call our Baptism Coordinator, Mildred at 650-266-4450.


Rather than baptizing infants or children, Highlands encourages Christian parents to dedicate their children. This is a ceremony in which parents formally call upon God’s blessing for their children and publicly commit to raise them in accordance with Scripture.

Dedication is not a sacrament; nor does it impart grace or salvation to a child. Salvation comes only through faith in Jesus Christ as each person recognizes their sinfulness and receives forgiveness and eternal life through Christ and His work on the cross.